Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Building Updates...

Sorry no photographs today, after a week of rain and working it is hard to type on this thing when I can be riding the bike. I traveled to Shippensburg yesterday and photographed the work being done on the new Shippensburg Emergency Services Building, I am sorry but that is just to much to say so from now on I will refer to it as what it is the Vigilant Hose Company Station. Block is being laid and most of the buildings foot print is starting to show. I also got to see the floor plans of the building but like a dumb ass I did not photograph them, maybe next time. As for the WEFR building nothing has been done since I was there last Monday. When I stopped I was informed that the construction company said it was to wet.
I did have a bonus by stopping in Shippensburg yesterday, but you will have to wait until tomorrow morning to see it.

1 comment:

  1. Both sites are a big mud pit today. Can't wait until tomorrow to see.....


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