Friday, May 2, 2008

Bank Barn And Outbuildings Burn Near Mowersville

On May 2, 1951 at 3:30 p.m. while working the fields, Mr. Beam and his son spotted flames shooting from the roof of their barn. The younger Beam ran to the barn where he opened the doors to free the cows and pulled two pigs out of the pen buy their ears, burning his arms in the process. A passing Cumberland Valley Cooperative truck went to the Mowersville store and called firemen.

When the Vigilant hosemen arrived they obtained water from a pond on the farm and fought the blaze for several hours. Besides the barn a milk house, wagon shed, chicken house and pigpen along with four heifers were lost in the fire. Also lost was five tons of straw, a half-ton of fertilizer and a quantity of hay. Damages were estimated at $20,000. A cause was not available. The Vigilant Hose Company answered the alarm. They were called back later in the evening to extinguish burning embers.

The photograph today was sent to me by Kevin Nehf. It is the Baltimore Road fire that occurred on April 23, 1982 and appeared in the Shippensburg News Chronicle. Here is a link to the posting

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