On August 31, 1988 at 10:17 a.m. Shippensburg firefighters were alerted to a structure fire at 16 East King Street. When firefighter arrived they encountered heavy smoke showing from the third floor windows of the three-story taxpayer. The blaze began in a third floor rear bedroom and destroyed the apartment and caused smoke and water damage to apartments on the second and third floors and two businesses on the first floor. One civilian was injured and transported to Chambersburg Hospital and 13 firefighters were treated at the scene for various injuries.
Firefighters from 10 companies answered the two-alarm fire and had it under control at 11:02 a.m. The last units left the scene at 2:00 p.m. The fire was caused by an electrical problem in the third floor apartment. Damages were estimated in excess of $200,000. The Vigilant Hose, Cumberland Valley Hose and West End Fire and Rescue companies answered the alarm.
Brad, how many fires were there in this building? I heard that there was atleast three.
I would have to go back and check, bit yes there was at least three fires in this building. The one posted here, the one a couple of years ago and I know in the early 1900 (I think) there was one in the store that is pictured here. It went by a different name and occupancy then.
There may have been a few more but they didn't post address back in the day, I would have to look at names and compare old maps from the 1800's to put that inforamtion together. And to be honest that is years away on my priority list in the SFD research.
Well on the last fire when Dad and I went up to get the nozzles from the hard working engine company, wait wrong site. The roof looked like it had been repaired several times because of fires, with new roofs. I know that I dug through atleast 3 different roofs. The next time that you see Dad, ask him about how many times I dropped the f word. I know that my Dad would not put me in a bad situation, but I can't think of a better fireman to do the job. Yet I seen no reason to be up on the 3rd floor looking for them. You might remember the look on my face before the pic that you took. I was not a very happy camper. It wasn't because of the heat either, lets just say I knew better. TJ, I was not driving the oversized medic unit either, well atleast on a reagular basis like I am now.
After talking to my dad who is on the ladder in this picture he says it was very interesting for the first few minutes with low man power. The regulars from the minnequa club (SP) were volunteered to throw ladders for the fire since 52 and 53 had a total of 4 members on scene with the first arriving pieces.
Not sure who is on the ladder of Truck 13 but I was the driver/operator.
Spike, diving a truck is always better than driving an engine isn't it. Now if we could just get WMIT to understand that.
WMIT has not listened to me for 32 years why start now? Just kidding, some day he will wise up.
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