Saturday, March 7, 2009

First Radio Installed In CV’s Ward

On March 7, 1955 the Cumberland Valley Hose Company’s Ward LaFrance was taken to Carlisle to have a mobile radio installed. This was the C.V.’s first fire engine to have a radio installed. The two Vigilant Seagraves were scheduled to be taken to Carlisle to have radios installed the next day.


Anonymous said...

And just think, This radio quite possibly worked better than the radios we have now !!!

Anonymous said...

I will have to agree with JD

Brad Myers said...

I would have to agree, I think everyone in the county would (except those working for 911) feel the same way. I could expand on it with the attitudes they have on the radio, along with much more but it would just start a pissing contest. One that I would win by the way.