Log House Destroyed Near Middle Spring
On January 19, 1977 at 5:51 a.m. firemen rushed to Rt. 702 near Middle Spring for a house fire. A fire of undetermined origin completely destroyed an occupied log house displacing a family of five. Approximately 45 firefighters from three area companies were on the scene almost four hours in near zero weather. Ice had to be broken on the middle spring creek to obtain water to battle the blaze. Damages were estimated at $18,000. The West End Fire and Rescue and Vigilant Hose companies battled the blaze with help from the Newburg-Hopewell Fire Company.Can you guess who this young Vigilant firefighter is? I must be crazy for trying this again after the poor response I got a few days ago.
I'll try this is, Paul Healy, not sure of the spelling of the last name,
Is it Dad.
E4 Lt
Looks like young Zach so the year would make it Ken Nehf
It is Paul Healy, you younger guys wouldn't know Paul since he left the area quite some time ago. I always thought it was a pretty good photo of him and one of the better portaits the paper ever took.
Your all wrong it`s the "Greek"
He was a college student and was active with us for the four years. This was a cold morning and an eventful morning. Earlier was rolling across the ground after the oil fuel oil tank blew up.
I remember well being a hot one then after the fire was out we froze.
The fire was actually at Maclays Mill back the lane just before the double hump bridge.
Seagrave, I don't remember the "Greek" unless that is what you called Healy but this is Paul. The caption under the photo in the paper said that plus is was taken by Caterinni and you know how she had the hots for him. He was also a Lieut. that year.
Address are hard on the older ones since we didn't use street numbers then. I have to go by what the paper gives. Remember the Civil Defense room would just give you next to so and so's farm or the blank residence and everyone knew where to go. That would never work today.
Sorry I was TDY from work last time you must have asked and so I didn't see it, but this is Paul Healy. He was a college student at Ship, and was a member of Vigilants.
Paul and Greek are the same guy.
E4 Lt,
This was way before I was a member. I wasn't voted in until the Feb. meeting, 3-4 weeks later.
Kenny I thought they called Paul the "Greek" but I didn't remember, to much lager destroying the brain cells. This was also a month before I became a member, at the CV's. Of course for the next two years we only made it to calls by sneaking on the rig and then having Dale give us hell when we got back.
Kenny is correct ! Greek is what we called him around the station and at Cresslers where about 6 of us from the station worked during our high school years.
Brad, after the smoke in the bldg call last night. Ged, Kenny, Pap and myself were discussing who was on in your pics last night.
I knew this one, I let someone else speak up.
Dr. Paul Healy is the Superintendent of Bermudian Springs School District. And looking a little grayer these days.
hey - stop talking about me like I'm dead - you are correct - that is me - Paul Healey (Greek) in that picture - I stayed at the firehouse during my college days and we were instrumental in getting the first bunkroom up and running - I was a lieutenant for a while and remember this fire
now living in Mechanicsburg not far from Brad with my wife and three daughters - currently Superintendent of Bermudian Springs School District and I am still an EMT and volunteer in the ER at Holy Spirit Hospital every Sunday - it was great viewing this site and the comments - wish you all well - paul
Brad, who is going to pop up next on your Blog? Will it be Chet, Ragman, Pap (Sanders) or Larry? Paul, maybe you should come to this years banquet! It has been a long time since I seen you. It is March 7th. Kenny, remember that you have to work that day.
Wow! Pauls ears must have been burning with us talking about him. I am guessing someone gave him a heads up on the post. It is nice that you stopped by Paul.
WMIT Bill Dubbs looks at the site, I don't know about the other three. I am guessing that there may be numerous older guys checking out the site.
I see Chet almost every week and he has told me he does not have a computer.
Nice to read your post, Paul. As WMIT said, you should attend this years banquet.
Take care all
Did someone mention Ragman ?????
I'm baaaack !!!!!
It's good to see these photos and articles. It brings back a lot of good memories.
Paul "The Greek" Healey. Tell everyone how you pissed off al the women over the bunk room. Hhhhmmmm.
Does any body remember the controversy????
Take care everyone and be safe out there. Just remember, you're the one who doesn't take a bottle of stupid pills in the morning before you head out.
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