Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Chief Fire Marshall In Charge Of All Apparatus

On June 2, 1922 the Burgess and Town Council passed an ordinance "Borough Code" Chapter 7, Article 1, Section 6.


RESOLVE, by the Burgess and Town Council of the Borough of Shippensburg, Pa. that from and after the date of this resolution the Fire Fighting Apparatus of the Shippensburg Fire Department shall be under the direction and subject to the regulations of the Chief Fire Marshall and the Property Committee of Council, at all times; and resolved further that when calls for aid are received by either Fire Company from country districts or neighboring towns, none of the Fire Fighting Equipment shall be taken out without the consent and under the direction of the Chief Fire Marshall or the Property Committee of Council, and then only when driven and operated by one of the most experienced and competent drivers of the Company whose apparatus is called, and it shall be the duty of the Chief Fire Marshall or the Property Committee of Council to refuse to permit the Equipment to go out until he or they are satisfied that such experienced and competent driver is in charge.
Passed this 1st day of June, A.D. 1922
D. A. Sheaffer, President, Approved this 2nd day of June, A.D. 1922.
J. Mifflin, Burgess
Paul B. Noftsker
Secretary of Council


Sparky said...

This is pretty cool. I know that there are alot of old laws still on the books. Is this one of them?

Anonymous said...

I would take this to be our current borough Fire Chief, or did that chenge when the Boro no longer owned the vehicles. Cressler